The Benefits Of Using Vacuum Filtration In Your Metalworking Process
There are many benefits to using vacuum filtration in your metalworking applications.
Hydro-Vac filters are systems used to filter metalworking liquids. Since Filtra-Systems was founded, we have installed more than 6,000 filtration systems around the world. These custom designed vacuum systems have been relied on by a wide variety of companies around the world.
Vacuum filtration systems are used to filter mineral oils, coolants (soluble or synthetic), and other fluids ranging from 100 gpm to 10,000 gpm. Our Hydro-Vacs can be customized to include additional parts (such as magnetic separators or bag filters) tailored to your company’s needs.
What are the vacuum filtration benefits for your metalworking application?
Hydro-Vac filtration systems are engineered to increase coolant clarity and improve part quality. This boost in productivity will save your company money by drastically increasing cutting tool life. The increased productivity and tool life aren’t the only vacuum filtration system benefits. By using our Hydro-Vac filter, you will also extend the coolant life as well. The technology used in vacuum filtration for metalworking is engineered for simplicity and minimal maintenance.
Contact one of our filtration experts 248-427-9090 and learn about the benefits of using vacuum filtration for metalworking applications. Our unique blend of expertise and experience makes us the industry leader in coolant filtration systems.