“C’mon! It Can’t Be THIS EASY To Get These Tested, Proven Safe and Reliable Industrial Bag Filter Housings and Filter Bag Media Delivered Fast… Can IT?”
YES, it can, because almost all these industrial bag filter vessels and filter media are in stock and ready to ship fast to you and your facility.

Call 248-919-6119 when you want expert help getting the perfect liquid bag filter housing & filter media for your application.
You know what? For over 40 years, Filtra-Systems has designed, engineered, manufactured, tested, and proven successful, thousands of industrial bag filter housings, bag filter systems, and media.
As you’ll discover below, each filter housing is loaded with safety options for you, your industry, and your specific liquid filtration application and goals.
Seriously, it can be over overwhelming looking for the perfect industrial bag filter housing and bag filter media (sock filters).
You see, you’ll join the thousands of satisfied customers who’ve found their perfect liquid bag filter and filter media match.
Before coming to Filtra, they were overwhelmed by options from Pall/FSI (FSI Filter Specialists, Inc. (see cross reference chart)), Rosedale, PRM, Eaton, and more.
But with our expert guidance, they’ve optimized their filtration processes and saved time, money, and headaches while boosting their bottom line.
If you decide to give our liquid filter housing and filter bag media a try, we promise the equipment and media will confidently, reliably, and measurably perform as promised…it’s how we all are successful and profitable.
The bottom line is you’ll get the perfect industrial bag filter housing (sometimes called a bag filter vessel, bag filter pod or bag filter pot) and bag filter media (sometimes called filter socks) for your specific application and manufacturing facility.
By the way, almost all these bag filter housings are available ASME certified and “U” stamped.
On top of that, Bag Filter Housing RENTALS are available. Ask us about our “No Capital Investment” rental systems, plans, and delivery options for your application.
You’re never alone.
We are on your side.
Our team of expert engineers is on your side.
All of Filtra-Systems is on your side.
And so, what questions do you have for us? Simply give us a call at 248-919-6119 and we’ll answer all your questions, with no obligation. And, if you ask, you’ll get a Fast FREE bag filter housing or filter bag media quote. We’re here and ready to help you find the perfect industrial bag filter system that meets all your goals and requirements.